Indicators You Need Emergency Dental Services

Have you ever realised that when any part of your mouth or tooth hurts your entire body hurts along with it? That means, not all dental injuries can wait for an appointment. Some conditions require immediate medical attention to alleviate pain and prevent further damage to your mouth and teeth.

The following issues top the list:

Knocked out teeth

If your teeth get knocked out, you should see an emergency dentist immediately. This could happen during sports events, biting on hard food, fall or any other type of an injury. You should not start treating yourself as solutions or medications used could worsen the situation.

Therefore, try putting the tooth back in its socket and hold onto it. If that is not possible, rinse the tooth and keep it in a container full of saliva or milk for it to remain intact.


If you have ever had a toothache, then you know how easily you can have a sleepless night. An exposed nerve or abscess usually causes a toothache. A severe throbbing pain characterises this condition that later spreads to the neck, jaw, ear or a headache.

Chipped or broken tooth

This does not account for the small chips that only feel and look awkward since they can wait for a dentists normal operational hours. This refers to chipped or broken tooth accompanied by significant pain and difficulties opening the mouth or talking.

Your emergency dentist in Taree from dental offices such as Taree Dental Care will fix a bond, veneer or crown to alleviate the discomfort and treat the pain.

When a dental emergency occurs, never hesitate to visit the nearest dentist in Taree. This way, you will be sure to not only alleviate the real pain but to also prevent damage to your mouth.